Welcome to the Anglo Sikh Wars project

Festival of Knights-Anglo Sikh Wars to the Partition of the Punjab

Anglo Sikh Wars to the Partition of the Punjab
Chai Walla Cafe(ISKON centre-16th to 19th August 2017.
The Night of Festivals South Asian 2017

The Anglo Sikh Wars pop up exhibition was available for the public to view in the center of Leicester, charting the history of the Sikhs Empire leading to the Anglo Sikh Wars of 1845-1849. There was an addition to the exhibition which included a look at how the Punjab was divided after the Independence of the India and Pakistan in 1947.

This exhibition gave  visitors a fascinating insight into the history of the Punjab from in modern times as well as giving a perspective on how from the Anglo Sikh Wars the Punjab had suffered in terms of Sikh  sovereignty being eroded over the course of time. Volunteers from the SMI were on hand to disseminate information on the Anglo Sikh Wars project. There was a number of activities taking place through the City across the several days which added to vibrant mix of cultures and diversity that can be seen in Leicester.

We would like to thank Art Reach and the Night of Festivals of team for allowing us to exhibit our pop up exhibition as part of the Independence project.

More photos below: